Additional Detail

Easy Leaded Light

Bringing character to your home


01981 540330


Additional Detail



Usually consisting of a coloured border, the roundel can

contain many different subjects, eg; Birds, Flowers, Portraits, Shields, House Number.


The complexity of the design effects the price


Please email us for a quotation:

Painting on Glass


Dependant on the complexity and repetition


Please email us for a quotation:

Painted Quarries


Dependant again on design, and the amount of different designs per window. You can also decide to only have a certain number of quarries painted


Please email us for a quotation:


Small Roundels


These can be flat or bullseye


For each flat roundel £


For each bullseye roundel £

House Number


Painted, we would cost this at £


Etched onto the glass, we would cost this at £


Guilded, we would cost this at £